Monday, March 30, 2009

Amazing look. This is the maple carved up on Monday(12x13x6.25 $140) last week. It took forever to create this shape. Creating free form shapes is rather straight forward, but throw in a specific constraint to the shape and you have to take it slow to get right.
I finally brought it home this Saturday after finishing the flooring job where I had left it stored in a bag. I'll have to do that more often. Still having a lot of moisture in the wood that good old fungus started to feed darkening the wood fiber in between the the harder feeding grains. If it wasn't for bagging, the bowl would have stayed creamy white loosing all the grain patterns. Click on the picture for a closer look at the details of the patterns.

Lillie has been a little to chunky lately. I decided to give her a different look this time. She is now very intimidating to the neighbor hood dogs.

1 comment:

Michael said...

The aspect that always need to be remembered for preparing a home material.

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