Simply some ramblings on about carving wood bowls, spoons and other usable wood wear from a variety of different woods. Items you see will not be around for very long. Drop a comment on what you like.
A few months ago a good friend said we have to make a trip to Camp Cantaford in the Allegheny NF and do some fly fishing. Time flew by and next thing I know we are there Thursday kicking back and enjoying a beer and cool weather. There were 5 of us, 2 canoes and a kayak floating down the Clarion river on Friday. What a day. It was so intense I did nothing but sit around Saturday. Well it's back to the grinder making spoons.
Walnut $16 each.
Cherry $16 each.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Here is a big one. Maple 14x16x6 $147.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Took a long trip to Hatteras Friday-Sunday to show the wares at a small art market . Stowe on Twelve Shops
. Stayed at a good friends house just before the bridge to Nags Head. Just hanging out with them is worth the trip.
Walnut small coffee scoops $11. They will hold a heaping tablespoons worth of your favorite coffee from Koralee's Coffee.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Maple 15x7x2 $68
Hickory 15x6.5x2 $58
Maple 30x5.5x2.5 $105 I don't think this one will see the public. That means the other will go to market.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Maple crotch 14x10x4.5 $105 Spent a fare amount of time with this one. The middle left of the bowl had a knot with bark that had to be removed and filled with special putty.
Walnut platter 17.5x7x2 $68 Making handles takes time. Ro likes the look though.
Walnut platter 17x5x1 $48
Maple 15x7x2 $68 That more traditional look.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Maple 14.5x14x2 $84(that is if she does not want to keep it)
Wednesday was a good productive day. When the last bowls came into the house at 8 the trencher maples caught her eye. All day long yesterday thoughts of a bowl she would like(or so she tells me so my feelings won't be crushed) were running through this saw dust head. I was torn between staying at a Great Big Greenhouse market(Huguenot and Robius Rd. 10-3) and carving up this bowl in the cool of the shop. It was quite muggy hot yesterday.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Maple 15x7x2 $63
Cherry knot 10x6x2 $42
Cherry 13x5x2 $42
Maple 16x5x1 $28 16x4x1 $26 10x4x1 $18
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Walnut 12x6x3 $48. I picked up this walnut last year and boy how it has aged nice. The sap wood has turned to a mellow tan. The tree was only 30 years old and just starting to die off when it was taken down. The logs were cut to 4' 6". Lost about 10" to cracks and a little rot.
Cherry 6.5x5x2 $32 each. These are a special order. The shape is similar to a large cherry platter that was carved up 2 years ago. It was the first one Roberta liked so we kept it. Sitting on the kitchen counter and darkening to a rich reddish brown. A gentleman purchased it last week for his wife and wanted these 2 side bowls to accompany the platter.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Maple scoops 9x4.5x2 $43. I did make another 4 last week. It was a busy time around the yard which has been neglected for months. This week will be full time in the shop non-stop carving, saw dust flying, making medium sized walnut bowls, Ye Haa!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
..and more spreaders... I'm considering raising the price on these to $12. They just take to long to make. All in all 1/2 an hour each. The time is in the finish sanding working the curves.